Resources for Protecting Families
Growing Up With Porn: The Developmental and Societal Impact of Pornography on Children
Journal article by Dr. Gail Dines from Wheelock College published July 2017
Educate Empower Kids
“Educate and Empower Kids provides resources to parents and educators to encourage deep connection with their kids through media education, meaningful family communication and intentional parenting. We believe this must be done by teaching digital citizenship, media literacy, and healthy sexuality education—including education about the dangers of online pornography. As a nonprofit 501(c)(3), we offer the 30 Days of Sex Talks, the 30 Days to a Stronger Child Program, How to Talk to Your Kids About Pornography guide, online resources and community workshops across the country to improve the digital lives of kids.” (From EEK website)
Thirty Days of Sex Talks: Empowering Your Children with Knowledge of Sexual Intimacy: Volume 1
Thirty Days of Sex Talks: Empowering Your Children with Knowledge of Sexual Intimacy: Volume 2
Thirty Days of Sex Talks: Empowering Your Children with Knowledge of Sexual Intimacy: Volume 3
Parent “Translation” Dictionary (for texting, slang, etc.)
Protect Young Minds
“Our mission is to empower parents, professionals and community leaders to protect young kids from pornography, and promote healing from any sexual exploitation.” (From PYM website)
The Best Parental Control Software of 2018
Reviews of online parental control software
Fight The New Drug
Educating about how pornography can harm relationships and how to stop using. A good resource for teens and young adults.
“Fight the New Drug is a non-religious and non-legislative organization that exists to provide individuals the opportunity to make an informed decision regarding pornography by raising awareness on its harmful effects using only science, facts, and personal accounts.” (From FTND website)
Beauty Redefined
“Beauty Redefined, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to promoting positive body image online and in live speaking events, is run by identical twins Lexie Kite, Ph.D. and Lindsay Kite, Ph.D. Since establishing Beauty Redefined in 2009, Lexie and Lindsay have become leading experts in the work of body image resilience through research-backed online education available on their website, social media, and through speaking events to tens of thousands across the US. While many well-intentioned people promote positive body image from the basis of helping women realize and embrace their beauty, Beauty Redefined changes the conversation about body image by telling girls and women they are MORE than beautiful. Lexie and Lindsay assert positive body image is about feeling positively toward your body overall, not just what it looks like.” (From BR website)
Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation: Resources for Parents
“The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) is the leading national organization exposing the links between all forms of sexual exploitation such as child sexual abuse, prostitution, sex trafficking and the public health crisis of pornography. As the thread of pornography in the web of sexual exploitation is systemically overlooked by society, the National Center on Sexual Exploitation has prominently advanced this issue as a central pillar of its projects in order to promote more holistic solutions. NCOSE embraces a mission to defend human dignity and to oppose sexual exploitation.” (From NCOSE website)
Culture Reframed
“Culture Reframed responds to the pornography crisis by providing education and support to promote healthy child and youth development, relationships, and sexuality. Our research-driven programs teach parents and those in the helping and healthcare professions how to recognize and respond to the role pornography can play in sexual violence, unhealthy relationships, internet and sex addictions, negative self-image, sexual dysfunction, depression, sexually transmitted infections, injuries, and other health problems. We aim to empower participants to create positive and lasting change in families and communities harmed by the sexually abusive and hypersexualized media that marks the digital age.” (From Culture Reframed website)
“The Culture Reframed Parents Program builds young people’s resilience and resistance to porn culture, while promoting their healthy development. This free online program provides culturally competent, research-driven, age-based educational videos, downloads and resource links for parents. This dual-purposed program can be utilized by parents online. In addition, active community members can take full advantage of the learning materials, download all PowerPoints and supporting resources, and deliver the parents program within their own community.” (From Culture Reframed website)
S.A. Lifeline Foundation
“The purpose of S.A. Lifeline Foundation is to provide hope, education, and resources related to pornography and sexual addiction recovery and healing from the effects of betrayal trauma. Our purpose is most succinctly stated as “Recovering Individuals, Healing Families.”” (From SA Lifeline website)
Utah Coalition Against Pornography
“Empowering individuals, strengthening families, and uniting organizations in the fight against pornography through education and collaboration.” (From UCAP website)
Resources for Addiction & Recovery
Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health
“The Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health (SASH) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting an integrative approach to sexual health research, education and intervention that addresses the full spectrum, from problematic attitudes and behaviors to the pursuit of fulfillment, freedom and pleasure.” (From SASH website)
Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity Research
“At it’s our mission to make the latest research together with proven, relational methods of overcoming addiction accessible to all those struggling with addiction, as well as those who been hurt or impacted by someone else’s struggle. We have a deep desire to find the truth. In a world where misinformation is so easily spread, shared, and distributed, we want to change the way information is communicated and enable health, wellness, and healing by providing evidence-based drug and rehab education." (From website)
Drug and Alcohol Addiction resources
SA Lifeline Foundation
“The purpose of S.A. Lifeline Foundation is to provide hope, education, and resources related to pornography and sexual addiction recovery and healing from the effects of betrayal trauma. Our purpose is most succinctly stated as “Recovering Individuals, Healing Families.” (From SA Lifeline website)
Addo Recovery
“We provide programs that empower individuals and families to heal from betrayal trauma, sexually based addictions and their suffering relationships. We are inspired by over 15 years of experience and have worked with thousands of individuals from all over the world.” (From Addo website)
Utah Coalition Against Pornography
“Empowering individuals, strengthening families, and uniting organizations in the fight against pornography through education and collaboration.” (From UCAP website)
Fight The New Drug
“Fight the New Drug is a non-religious and non-legislative organization that exists to provide individuals the opportunity to make an informed decision regarding pornography by raising awareness on its harmful effects using only science, facts, and personal accounts.” (From FTND website)
Drug Rehab Connections
Drug Rehab Connections “provide[s] unbiased information reviewed my medical experts so our readers can make an informed decision on the next steps in their, or a loved one’s, drug rehabilitation journey."
The Recovery Village
The Recovery Village “want[s] to connect more people to the life-saving treatment they need for addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders. We believe by sharing accurate information about addiction and mental health, we can help fight the stigma that surrounds these disorders and encourage and empower more people to seek the life-changing treatment they need for themselves or a loved one. We want to help people understand the facts, risks and available treatment options so that they can make informed decisions about addiction treatment and long-term recovery planning."
Vape Danger
Vape danger “aims to help consumers understand the dangers of vaping and what next steps to take after a vape-related injury."
Spiritual 12-Step Recovery Programs:
Sexaholics Anonymous
“Who are we? A fellowship with a solution to the problems of lust, sex and pornography addiction” “Has sex with self or with someone other than your spouse become destructive? Are you hooked and cannot stop? Do you long to be happy, joyous and free? We can help! (From SA website)
S-Anon Family Groups: Hope and Help for Family and Friends of Sexaholics
“The S-Anon Family Groups are a fellowship of the relatives and friends of sexually addicted people who share their experience, strength and hope in order to solve their common problems. Our program of recovery is adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous and is based on the Twelve Steps and the Twelve Traditionsof Alcoholics Anonymous.” (From S-Anon website)
Sex Addicts Anonymous
“At our meetings, we read SAA literature and share our experience, strength, and hope with each other, focusing on how the SAA program of recovery works in our lives.” (From SAA website)
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, or S.L.A.A., is a program for anyone who suffers from an addictive compulsion to engage in or avoid sex, love, or emotional attachment. We use the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous to recover from these compulsions.
SAL 12 Step Meetings (SA Lifeline Foundation)
Meetings available for addicts and partners.
Written Resources:
12-Step Literature
Each of the spiritual recovery programs listed above has literature for those who need help and for family members.
Books that may be helpful:
Understanding and Treating Sex Addiction: A comprehensive guide for people who struggle with sex addiction and those who want to help them, 1st Edition, Paula Hall, 2012.
Out of the Shadows – Understanding Sexual Addiction, Patrick J Carnes,Ph.D 2001.
Strengthening Recovery Through Strengthening Marriage: Healing From Pornography Addiction (6 part audio series), by Dr. Kevin B. Skinner and Geoff Steurer, MS, LMFT, 2011.
Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life, 3rd Ed., Marshall Rosenberg, 2018.
Discovering Choices, Al-Anon Family Groups, 2008.
The Spirituality of Imperfection, Ernest Kurtz and Katherine Ketcham, 1992.
Back From Betrayal: Recovering from the Trauma of Infidelity, Jennifer Schneider, 2005.
S-Anon Twelve Steps, S-Anon Family Groups, 2000.
Mending A Shattered Heart: A Guide for Partners of Sex Addicts, Edited by Stefanie Carnes, PhD., 2011.
The Dance of Anger: A Woman's Guide to Changing the Patterns of Intimate Relationships, by Harriet Lerner, Ph.D., 1985, 2014 (reprint edition).
What Can I Do About Me?: Healing From the Trauma of My Husband's Pornography and Sexual Addiction, by Rhyll Anne Croshaw, 2012.
Audiobook: What Can I Do About Me?: Healing From the Trauma of My Husband's Pornography and Sexual Addiction, by Rhyll Anne Croshaw, 2012.
Your Sexually Addicted Spouse: How Partners Can Cope and Heal, by Barbara Steffens, 2009.
How to Help Your Spouse Heal From Your Affair: A Compact Manual for the Unfaithful, by Linda Macdonald 2010.
Resources for Healthy Living
Shame Resilience: Brene Brown
Recommended Books by Brene Brown:
I Thought it was Just Me (But it Isn’t)
The Gifts of Imperfection
Daring Greatly
Rising Strong
Braving the Wilderness
Recommended Audio by Brene Brown:
Shame Resilience: Christian Themed
Curt Thompson, MD
Recommended books by Curt Thompson, MD:
The Soul of Shame
Anatomy of the Soul
Jeff VanVonderan
Recommended books by Jeff VanVonderan:
Tired of Trying to Measure Up
Dr. Richard S. Shaw
Recommended products:
Shame No More: 6 part DVD Series
Shame Resilience in Families Recommended Books:
Facing Shame: Families in Recovery
by Merle A. Fossum and Marilyn J. Mason
Self-Compassion: Kristin Neff
Recommended books by Kristin Neff:
Compassion: Stop Beating Yourself Up and Leave Insecurity Behind
Self-Compassion: Tim Desmond
Recommended books by Tim Desmond:
The Self-Compassion Skills Workbook
Recommended books on Boundaries:
Boundaries and Relationships: Knowing, Protecting and Enjoying the Self by Charles Whitfield, M.D.
Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life, Dr. John Townsend, Dr. Henry Cloud
Recommended books on Personal Development:
Mindset, Carol S. Dweck PhD
Feel the Fear, and Do it Anyway, Susan Jeffers, Ph.D.
The Courage Quotient, Robert Biswas-Diener
The Willpower Instinct, Kelly McGonical, Ph.D.
The Neuroscience of Change, Kelly McGonical, Ph.D. (audio)
Mindsight, Daniel J. Siegel, M.D
Learned Optimism, Martin P. Seligman, Ph.D.
Healthy Couple Relationships: Gottman Institute
Recommended Books by John M. Gottman and Julie Gottman:
The Science of Trust
The Seven Principals for Making Marriage Work
Man’s Guide to Women
Sue Johnson, Emotionally Focused Therapy Recommended Books:
Hold Me Tight
Loving with the Brain in Mind, Mona DeKoven Fishbane PhD and Daniel J. Siegel M.D.
Parenting: Daniel Siegel M.D. and Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D.
Recommended Books:
The Whole Brained Child
No Drama Discipline
Other Recommended Books:
How to Talk so Kids Will Listen and Listen so Kids Will Talk, Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish
Emotion Coaching: The Heart of Parenting, John and Julie Gottman
Brainstorm, Daniel J. Siegel
The 7 Habits of Highly Successful Teens, Sean Covey
Audio Resources:
The Gifts of Imperfect Parenting, Brene Brown
Video Resources:
Cookies Choices and Kids, Dr. Garry Landreth
10 Brain-Based Strategies to Help Children Handle Their Emotions, Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D.